Modi government bans controversial organisation Popular Front of India for 5 years


Following raids on the PFI (Popular Front of India) in eight states throughout the country, the central government designated the organisation and its allies, affiliates, or fronts to be a "unlawful association" on Tuesday evening. According to news agency ANI, the outfit has been banned for five years.

"PFI and its associates, affiliations, or fronts function openly as a socioeconomic, educational, and political organisation, but they have been pursuing a secret goal to radicalise a specific portion of society working towards undermining the concept of democracy and showing total disrespect for the constitutional authorities and constitutional set up of the country," the official notification stated.


The government imposed the ban on PFI based on its affiliation with the Students Islamic Movement of India (SIMI) and Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB), both of which are outlawed organisations.


The notification further stated that the PFI and its partners, affiliations, or fronts have engaged in criminal actions that are "prejudicial to the integrity, sovereignty, and security of the country" and have the ability to disrupt public peace and communal harmony and support militancy.


The government has also banned the Rehab India Foundation (RIF), Campus Front of India (CFI), All India Imams Council (AIIC), National Confederation of Human Rights Organizations (NCHRO), National Women's Front, Jr Front, Empower India Foundation, and Kerala Rehab Foundation.

According to the notification, there have been occasions of the organisation functioning covertly to increase the radicalisation of one community by instilling fear in the country, which is supported by the fact that some PFI cadres have united with global terrorist groups such as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).


"Whereas, having regard to the foregoing circumstances, the Central Government is of the strong view that it is imperative to declare the PFI and its associates or affiliates or fronts association effectively banned with immediate effect, and accordingly, declares it as outlawed in use of the powers granted by the proviso to sub-section (3) of section 3 of the said Act," the statement read.