IMPPA Calls Out FWICE On Their Bogus And False Claims Of 440 Crores, Issues A Statement

We are enclosing herewith a copy of press-cutting from Mid-Day in which apart from other factual claims you have claimed that you are shortly planning a press conference to show records that producers owe almost Rs 440 crores to workers which to your own knowledge is totally bogus and false and is just like your earlier bogus claims to have 5 lakh worker members

The Indian Motion Picture Producers' Association (IMPPA) issued a statement against FWICE (Federation of Western India Cine Employees) refuting the claims that producer owe 440 crores to workers, stating the facts are bogus and false.

T P Aggarwal, President of IMPPA, issued a statement addressed to FWICE President BN Tiwari. In the letter, the association has also added a press-cutting from a leading newspaper, which ran the story about extortion and Hafta collection being a norm in the association. The whole matter came to foray when art director Rajesh Sapte committed suicide accusing FWICE auditor Rakesh Maurya.

IMPPA statement said, “We are enclosing herewith a copy of press-cutting from Mid-Day in which apart from other factual claims you have claimed that you are shortly planning a press conference to show records that producers owe almost Rs 440 crores to workers which to your own knowledge is totally bogus and false and is just like your earlier bogus claims to have 5 lakh worker members and also 34 affiliates in which case we have already conclusively proved and accepted by you that actually you have less than 50,000 workers and 22 affiliates because the others are bogus affiliates as yourself admitted by you in your earlier letter.

“As far as your claim regarding producers owing Rs. 440 crores to your members, please note as the largest and oldest producers association till date we are not aware of your members any claims as the last information which also did not have any figures or details was 12th June 2020 and neither before that nor after that, till date we have received any information about any claim of your worker members against any of our producer and as per our discussion with other producers associations they are also not aware of what non-payment of workers you are talking about.

In the view of the above we would request you to kindly stop spreading falsehood about producers and making false and baseless claims about the film industry and FWICE” read the full statement.