There's no salvation in sight!

Displacement and migration of Sri Lankan Tamils


Mandapam Camp is the largest Sri Lankan refugee camp in India, located in Tamil Nadu. 

The politicians who raised their voices vociferously for the cause of Tamil Eelam have never bothered about these cursed people.


The British Government constructed Mandapam Camp in the early 1900s to shelter migrant workers travelling from Sri Lanka to India.




Nearly 500,000 of them made the decision to move to India, most often because they or their relatives had left Tamil Nadu for Sri Lanka earlier. For years, many of these individuals were stateless.


In 1983, during the civil war, many people were displaced, and thousands were killed and their properties destroyed. Many Tamils emigrated from Sri Lanka and applied for asylum in nations like Canada and the UK. 


Tamils without money or connections were abandoned. These people without a place to go, departed by boat from Mannar and arrived in Mandapam, which is 18 km from the Indian coast. Currently, these camps are home to about 100,000 refugees.


Residents of the Mandapam camp are provided with a meagre stipend and food, with adults receiving 500 g of rice daily and children receiving 400 g. The kids' malnutrition is evident. Refugees and their descendants have been living in the camp for decades subsisting only on meagre stipends and rations.


For these people, there's no -


- employment

- travel

- recreation

- prospects for growth...


The politicians who raised their voices vociferously for the cause of Tamil Eelam have never bothered about these cursed people.


All people have the same basic legal rights, regardless of their gender, colour, nationality, ethnicity, language, religion, or any other difference. Human rights cover a wide range of rights, which include freedom from slavery and torture, the right to life and liberty, the freedom of speech and the right to a job.

The current economic situation in Sri Lanka is the worst of its kind, and caused a fresh wave of refugees migrating to Tamil Nadu.

There's no salvation in sight for this wretched lot ...

The British Government constructed Mandapam Camp in the early 1900s to shelter migrant workers travelling from Sri Lanka to India. 

Nearly 500,000 of them made the decision to move to India, most often because they or their relatives had left Tamil Nadu for Sri Lanka earlier. For years, many of these individuals were stateless.

In 1983, during the civil war, many people were displaced, and thousands were killed and their properties destroyed. Many Tamils emigrated from Sri Lanka and applied for asylum in nations like Canada and the UK. 

Tamils without money or connections were abandoned. These people without a place to go, departed by boat from Mannar and arrived in Mandapam, which is 18 km from the Indian coast. Currently, these camps are home to about 100,000 refugees.

Residents of the Mandapam camp are provided with a meagre stipend and food, with adults receiving 500 g of rice daily and children receiving 400 g. The kids' malnutrition is evident. Refugees and their descendants have been living in the camp for decades subsisting only on meagre stipends and rations.

For these people, there's no -

- employment

- travel

- recreation

- prospects for growth...

The politicians who raised their voices vociferously for the cause of Tamil Eelam have never bothered about these cursed people.

All people have the same basic legal rights, regardless of their gender, colour, nationality, ethnicity, language, religion, or any other difference. Human rights cover a wide range of rights, which include freedom from slavery and torture, the right to life and liberty, the freedom of speech and the right to a job.

The current economic situation in Sri Lanka is the worst of its kind, and caused a fresh wave of refugees migrating to Tamil Nadu.

There's no salvation in sight for this wretched lot ...