See what is Akshaya Patra Organisation is and what it is doing for the students...

Akshaya Patra Organisation is a non-profit organisatiion which provides the lunch facility to the lakhs of school going students. 

The Akshaya Patra Foundation is a non profit foundation which provides the lunch facility to the schools. This organisation was established in the year 2000 whose main aim is to provide the food to the poor children. Since 2000, this orgsnisation feeds more than 1.5 lakhs children every day across the country. The food distributed by the organisation is perceived to be hygienic, nutritious and delicious as well. Everyday, this organisation can produce around 350 kilograms of organic waste in its kitchen. To reduce the amount of waste going to landfill, The Akshaya Patra foundation has set uop biogas plants in its kitchens itself. Akshaya Patra has total six kitchens across the country which feeds the children.

The biogas plant in the Patra's kitchen can able to process 1 tonne per day of organic waste, generates 120 to 150 m3 of biogas which is equivalent of 30 kilograms. This gas is used in the kitchen's cooking operations and saves around 38,500 rpees of the organisation. This is about 10% of the total energy consumption required for cooking.

Another major initiative taken by the foundation is the installation of solar photovoltaic systems at some of its kitchens. According to the weather, these systems can produce 80-100 units of electricity per day and this power's the facility's daytime energy requirement e.g. theBengaluru plant generates 10 kW of power and this is entirely consumed by the facility, whereas the Surat plant generates 12 kW of power with some of the surplus power being fed back to the grid for a credit.

After the lockdown was announced, the organisation have done a massive food program to feed the migrant workers as well as any one who is in need for food. They provided cooked food as well as dry grocery kits.