Intermittent fasting: a trendy approach  to keep your weight in check


Intermittent fasting is a well-planned schedule of eating and fasting throughout the day that keeps your calories in check. This form of fasting is very popular nowadays because it is easy to follow and has good impacts on overall health because it does not starve the body of all the nutrients like in the complete fasting methods. Intermittent fasting is not about what you eat and in what quantity but instead it focuses on when you eat. 

The most common and easiest way to do intermittent fasting is the 16/8 method that is fasting every day for 16 hours and eating in the window of 8 hours. To make this method simpler and easy have an early dinner and having brunch or lunch directly. Suppose you have dinner at 8 in the evening the next meal you can take is around 12, this makes the fasting process very feasible and effective because it includes your sleeping hours also and chances of having unnecessary craving is reduced. The main idea people are switching to this is because of its ease and promising results with no side effects as seen in the case of complete fasting. 

Intermittent fasting impacts the overall metabolism of the body and hence impacts all the major vitals of the body. The well-known benefits of intermittent fasting are maintaining normal body weight, increased life expectancy, avoiding lifestyle-related diseases, heart diseases, age-related issues, etc. There are several pieces of evidence suggesting that intermittent fasting can help keep cancer at bay.  Many experts now suggest it as a great way to make it a part of the lifestyle in the longer run.