Have you ever heard of Diet for Mental peace?

What is Food? Are the things eaten with mouth,the only food we intake?

* Is there a moment you pause & think What am i watching?

*Have we divided the food we feed to our souls into those categories?

Fast food, Junk food, Health food, Vegan Food. So many varieties, are these the only kind of foods given to body by us. Must have heard a lot of people saying I am eating everything good,healthy & staple but still I don't feel good, I don't feel the energy I should have. Problem is, we are now aware of what to put in our mouths(thanks to the youtubers,dieticians & the digital weight loss revolution) but completely oblivious of what we feed to our minds. Is there a moment you pause & think What am i watching? How am I entangled in my thoughts? Who is harmful for my mental peace? What kind of videos do I watch? what kind of music do I listen to? What kind of exercises do I indulge in? What do I read? What kind of people I hang around with?

We are only paying attention to what we put in our stomachs. We busy separating food into carbs,proteins,fats,fiber , where does mental peace come? Have we divided the food we feed to our souls into those categories?

You watch violent shows(get the hint there are lots of B's making nest in your minds),listen to music that's may be giving you the false pretense of energy,you read novels that instead of clearing up things mess up your emotions more. you are around people who bicker for no reason or negatively impact your thought process, you just lie comfortably & finish episodes & episodes of series which don't yield you anything.

Shouldn't soothing calming music be a part of your dinner & breakfast? Books like As a man thinketh, The 7 Habits of highly effective people, Think & grow rich be a part of your daily morning or evening snack to get you through life? Shouldn't Acquaintances & friends who really care about you, a piece of laughter cake with them be the dessert of the day? Movies that inspire you, make you learn & understand about life or movies, videos which pass happy hormones, be a part of your heavy lunch? Can gratitude towards what you have