Habits for a Healthy Life! 

​​​​​​To have a healthy life, here are few habits that can be followed. Healthy habits give you a healthy life! 

​​​​​​Below are four points that can help to have healthy habits for a healthy and long life.

1) Maintain a diet

2) Exercise regularly

3) Maintain your mental health

4) Motivation 

Habits are the behavior that individuals carry with themselves and follow. These habits show your personality. Having a great lifestyle means having good habits and a good personality.

We live in an era where people focus more on how to earn money and ignore their health. Life is very short hence, you should live each and every moment of it.

Here I'm sharing some habits that can give a healthy life. This is not something that you would have to do forcefully. By following these easy steps you can have a great personality and life.

1)Maintain diet ​​​​​​-: It is very important to eat good food which is healthy too. Portions of food that you eat matters too to maintain good health. Don't compromise on taste but do not eat junk. When portions of food matter, the time when you are eating matters. In order to have a healthy and fit body, you should follow proper timings. Generally, breakfast should have large and filling options. They may include,  oats, fruits, upma, idli, dosas, etc. It should consist of fibers, vitamins, and proteins. Lunch should consist of a  lot of dal and veggies with rotis and a very little portion of rice. You can eat meat or fish too if you are a nonvegetarian. Dinner should be something light and should be done at least 2-3 hours before your bedtime.

2)Exercise regularly  -: Eat, sleep, repeat should not be your cycle. If it is then change it to eat, exercise, nap, and repeat. Exercise should be mandatory in maintaining your health and physic. Burning calories and fats are important to have a fit body. Gyms are not the only option for it. Regular cardio of a minimum of 15 minutes to 1 hour at your house can do the thing perfectly. Stay fit, stay positive should be the mantra.

3)Maintaining mental health ​​​​​​-: Mental health stands as the utmost important topic when it comes to a healthy lifestyle. Don't stress, don't overthink and the most important part is to have patience. Things take time to happen. Meditate daily for at least 15 minutes. That will help you stable your mind.

4)Motivation  -: The last point is to have motivation. Having certain goals in life and dedicatedly work hard for them is motivation. It gives you the power to face anything that comes across. It teaches you patience and certain tricks that help you in your life. Having a goal to achieve makes life more interesting and worth living it. Have motivation and make dull life a brighter one.

There were few points that would really help you to maintain a healthy and positive lifestyle. Life is short, live it to the fullest.