What is higher consciousness — and how can you elevate yourself to a higher level? Higher consciousness has many names: collective consciousness, Christ consciousness, Buddha consciousness, super consciousness and God-consciousness. Those names conjure up images of divinity and exceptionally high states of spiritual development or energetic vibration.

higher conciousness,nature,embrace

What is higher consciousness — and how can you elevate yourself to a higher level?

Higher consciousness has many names: collective consciousness, Christ consciousness, Buddha consciousness, super consciousness and God-consciousness. Those names conjure up images of divinity and exceptionally high states of spiritual development or energetic vibration.

Higher consciousness is spiritual or energetic awareness that transcends the mind’s normal preoccupation with the past and the future.

As you raise your consciousness, you awaken to the eternal, unlimited nature of your being.

Higher consciousness is an ever-increasing awareness of the meaning of existence, your spiritual essence, and of the spiritual or energetic nature in all things.

Now, you may wonder if it’s possible to achieve higher consciousness, given the truly exceptional nature of the people we associate with it. Well, the answer is, yes, you can.

But mastering the mind and realizing our oneness with the infinite ocean of energy is not easy. Why? First, we see, and then we believe.

But ascending to higher consciousness can only happen when we believe…and then see. What Are The Three Different Levels Of Consciousness If we want to attain higher levels of consciousness, we need to understand how the different levels of consciousness at categorized?

One interpretation, according to Sigmund Freud, is that there are three different levels of consciousness.

  • Conscious
  • Preconscious
  • Unconscious

The most common illustration used to depict these three levels of consciousness is an iceberg.

What we see above the surface of the water is the conscious mind. And what lies below the surface is the preconscious and unconscious mind.

These are also known as Id, Ego, and SuperEgo. What is a heightened consciousness?

Heightened consciousness is something that surpasses our ordinary, conscious mind.

It’s the ultimate consciousness, the consciousness of higher self, the universe, and God.

It’s something we’re all capable of achieving if we can learn to shift our consciousness. What is a shift in consciousness?

A shift in consciousness is the movement from one level of conscious awareness to another.

Believe it or not, this phenomenon occurs frequently in our daily lives. We shift from state to state, from higher to lower levels of conscious awareness, depending on our circumstances.

How We Get Stuck In Low Consciousness

We believe we are separate from everything else, alone and vulnerable. And we get stuck in low consciousness because we are convinced that we are alone, separate, and disconnected. But are we? Imagine an ocean of pure, loving energy. It is infinite and eternal.As part of that ocean, where do you begin and end?

What are your boundaries?

Look at the photo of the droplet of water above and see if you can spot it once it enters the greater body of water.

You can’t.

And when it comes to the universal energy field, there is no surface, no boundaries — and so we can never, ever be separate from it. We (each and every one of us) are the ocean of conscious energy!

At the higher levels of consciousness, we no longer feel separate. We feel, know, and experience oneness with the universal energy field.

We are points of energy, but energy has no limits, only characteristics.

How To Elevate Your Consciousness. Through meditation and other spiritual practices including an awareness (mindfulness), development of intuition, and the teachings of the ancient spiritual mastersyou can elevate your consciousness to a higher level.

The beauty of spiritual awakening is that you are not “becoming” anything — you are simply awakening to your true nature and awakening your dormant faculties.

Spiritual teachers make us aware that we are operating as only partially conscious beings due to our untrained minds as well as a preoccupation with more base desires (preoccupation with the physical experience and its pain, suffering, desire, and impermanence).

Most humans are in a state of being asleep even when awake, meaning we are blind to the true nature of existence.

We see what we perceive to be a reality, but what we perceive is seen through the unconscious lenses of our past conditioning, which is completely different from that of any other human being.

That means that for every single person alive today, there is a different reality, a different truth. It’s no wonder we fight so much! And, on a deeper level, it means that each one of us creates his or her own reality and his or her own universe.

Imagine if you stopped seeing yourself as separate.

How differently you would feel? You would see your face in the face of a stranger or an enemy. You would become patient, kind, and compassionate toward all beings.

This is the beginning of awakening to your true nature as an infinite, eternal point of consciousness.

When you learn self-mastery (mastery of thoughts and emotions) and embrace and embody the concepts of compassion, understanding, forgiveness, gratitude, unconditional love, patience, kindness, truthfulness, and humility (among others), you will reach a higher level of consciousness.