“Optimism is a happiness magnet. If you stay positive, good things and good people will be drawn to you.”

When you look back on the people who have influenced your life, do you find a common trait?  In my experience, the people I remember the longest and the fondest are the ones who had upbeat personalities. Teachers who encouraged me through challenging classes, friends and family who reassured me through difficult times, and professional mentors who always helped guide me – these are the people who have touched my soul and have inspired me to be that person in other people’s lives.


“Optimism is a happiness magnet. If you stay positive, good things and good people will be drawn to you.”

When you look back on the people who have influenced your life, do you find a common trait?  In my experience, the people I remember the longest and the fondest are the ones who had upbeat personalities. Teachers who encouraged me through challenging classes, friends and family who reassured me through difficult times, and professional mentors who always helped guide me – these are the people who have touched my soul and have inspired me to be that person in other people’s lives.

Looking for the good in every situation is who I aspire to be. I am a work in progress, but I consciously make an effort to direct my focus on the bright side, the possibilities and the solutions.  Moving into a leadership role has shown me that my actions and attitude shape those around me. As a team, we are more productive when our work environment is happy. Personally, the people in my life know that they are in a safe space where their thoughts, passions and dreams will be encouraged.

Being in the hospitality and tourism industry you would think that everyone would be positive, friendly and welcoming. The reality is that people are people, and some people are simply not of that mindset. However, those that volunteer their time and expertise, those that are more positive than negative, those that smile when greeting both a stranger or a friend are the ones who inspire.

It is not easy to remain positive, to motivate through kindness and take the high road.  Negative people surround us and their energy can be like a magnet. But it is vital to walk away from destructive discussions and remove yourself from senseless drama. Take a moment, take a breath and refocus on what is good. Be true to yourself and your mission in life.

One of my favorite quotes is: “In a world where you can be anything, be kind.”  Be kind to yourself, be kind to others, and be the person who inspires everyone around you.