What are the best breakfast options to build immunity?

Breakfast is the first meal of the day, and therefore, it is supposed to be the biggest and the most nourishing meal of the day. It is the meal that would turn out to be a primary source of energy all throughout the day.


Cooked meals made of whole foods, balanced in nutrient content and easy to digest are the best options for breakfast. The breakfast should serve the satisfaction of appetite just the right way, awaken the powerhouse of energy and nourish the body well.

Healthy breakfast isn’t supposed to be boring and flavorless. It can be healthy and tasty at the same time. Generally, food takes an average of four to five hours to get processed and breakdown to release energy. So, from that view breakfast is supposed to serve the body as the primary source.

Let’s see some of the healthy and tasty breakfast options:

Oatmeal: Oats are the best whole grain nutrient that brings a lot of health content with itself. You can have it in sweet as well as savory form. If you have a sweet tooth, cook the oats in water or milk for 2 minutes, transfer it to your bowl, and add the fresh fruits like banana apple, peach, kiwi and whatever you like. Put some cubes of dark chocolates and top it with honey or maple syrup. For healthy fats you can add peanut or almond butter. For cooking savory oats, you can mix some spices and pulses and cook it in the same way as you cook a khichdi. Both the options will provide all the required nutrients and help build your immune system.

Basic breakfast options:

Some Indian recopies like chila, poha, paratha in ghee, dhokla, and others are healthy options as well. If your mother is cooking the best home-made food, just do the job of consuming it rather than going out and eating. Otherwise, you always have an option to cook your own Indian breakfast recepies. Just make a point to eat whatever is prepared fresh.

Make sure to consume a breakfast the serves the purpose well. Do not under eat and do not overeat. Listen to the signals of your body and consume as much as it is asking for. A healthy body always functions better towards innovation and prosperity.

So, did you have a right breakfast?

Good job if you had and better have it not!