"Raghuram Rajan Warns: India Must Achieve Growth Rate Over 6% to Avoid Remaining a Lower Middle Economy by 2047"

"Eminent Economist Stresses the Urgency of Sustained Growth for India's Economic Aspirations"

  • Renowned economist Raghuram Rajan emphasizes the need for India to achieve a growth rate exceeding 6% for substantial economic progress.
  • Warning suggests the potential risk of India remaining a lower middle-income economy by 2047 without robust growth.
  • Urgency in implementing strategic policies and reforms to ensure sustainable economic development.

Former Reserve Bank of India Governor and prominent economist Raghuram Rajan has issued a stern warning, stating that India must attain a growth rate surpassing 6% to avert the risk of remaining a lower-middle-income economy by the year 2047.

Rajan's assertion comes as a call to action for policymakers, economists, and leaders to prioritize and implement strategic measures that foster sustained economic growth. The significance of achieving and maintaining a growth rate above 6% is underscored by the potential consequences of falling short of this target.

The lower-middle-income classification carries economic implications that could impact India's ability to fulfill its long-term developmental aspirations. Rajan's cautionary note serves as a reminder of the urgency to address economic challenges and undertake comprehensive reforms.

India's trajectory to becoming an upper-middle-income or high-income economy is intricately linked with its growth performance. Rajan's expertise lends weight to the importance of crafting and executing policies that stimulate economic activities, attract investments, and ensure inclusive development.

As India navigates the complex landscape of global economics, the emphasis on sustained growth becomes paramount. The warning issued by Raghuram Rajan serves as a timely reminder for the nation to proactively pursue avenues for economic advancement, fostering an environment conducive to progress, innovation, and prosperity.