India Asserts Leadership at COP28: Equity and Climate Justice Vital for Effective Climate Action

Environment Minister Bhupendra Yadav Advocates Developed Nations Leading the Charge Against Climate Change


India's Environmental Stewardship Emphasizes Equity and Climate Justice as Fundamental to Climate Action, Urges Developed Countries to Take the Lead.

In a powerful statement at COP28, India reiterates its commitment to making equity and climate justice the cornerstone of global climate action. Environment Minister Bhupendra Yadav emphasized that the foundation for effective climate action lies in ensuring fairness, with developed nations taking the lead in combating climate change.

Addressing the high-level segment of the annual climate conference in Dubai, Minister Yadav highlighted India's steadfast dedication to contributing significantly to global climate initiatives. He stressed the imperative role of developed countries in spearheading efforts to address climate challenges, emphasizing that equity should be at the forefront of these actions.

Yadav showcased India's proactive approach in tackling climate change, underscoring the nation's achievements in reducing emission intensity well ahead of the stipulated target year outlined in the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). India's action plan to combat the impacts of climate change has not only met but exceeded expectations.

"In our endeavour to decouple economic growth from greenhouse gas emissions, India has successfully reduced the emission intensity vis-a-vis its GDP by 33 per cent between 2005 and 2019, thus achieving the initial NDC target for 2030, 11 years ahead of the scheduled time," asserted Minister Yadav.

India's accomplishments underscore its leadership in sustainable development and environmental responsibility. The call for equity and climate justice reflects a broader commitment to ensuring that the burdens and benefits of climate action are shared equitably among nations, promoting a collective and inclusive approach to combat the global climate crisis.

As COP28 unfolds, India stands as a steadfast advocate for a balanced and collaborative approach, urging developed nations to shoulder their responsibility in mitigating climate change's adverse effects. The nation's resolute stance marks a pivotal moment in shaping global climate policies toward a sustainable and equitable future.