Teacher's Day 2021: Redefining roles and responsibilities of a teacher in the digital world 

The Digital era has made lives change in a broader sense, this holds true for the teaching-learning experience too. Teachers now have a new and bigger set of roles and responsibilities making students responsible citizens of both society and cyberspace. 

    With the introduction of digital technology in the field of education and learning, the role of a teacher has become debatable. Digitalization has come up with new challenges for the traditional student-teacher understanding. Although prior to the coronavirus outbreak also there was the presence of digital factors in teaching and learning. However, the complete digitalization of education post-pandemic has now compelled everyone to re-establish the responsibilities of teachers in society. Earlier students use to spend very crucial years of their lives under the guidance and complete supervision of teachers, developing mutual respect and learning very important life lessons rather than just concepts from books. The physical presence of teachers and students at school always helped in developing that emotional connection which in turn developed better learning. Teachers were always the source of information and life motivation in the semi-digital world but with the complete digitalization, teachers are facing very new challenges and enhanced responsibilities. 

    With now everything getting digital and classes conducted online the primary change is the lack of sence of belonging of students with the teachers and the concept of school. This has somehow limited the learning to the textbooks and the theoretical concepts only. As everything is available on the internet, teachers are no longer considered the only source of information. students have exposure to a lot of information altogether which was not possible earlier in the classroom setup. Teaching and learning experience is not just getting digital but has also gone global. The use of ICT in learning has definitely proved as a good tool in better visualization and hence enhanced learning experience. Do all these points together mean the internet is replacing teachers or the responsibilities of teachers have decreased?

    Digitalization may have opened many sources of information for students but has also increased challenges and the responsibility of teachers. Teachers are not mere concept preachers, they have bigger responsibilities of creating a better human and a responsible citizen. The future of the Child, society, and nation lies in the hands of teachers. In this digital era where the conventional classroom is no longer feasible and students are exposed to all kinds of good, bad, fake, and genuine knowledge, it is the responsibility of teachers to help students to find relevant information and use it correctly. The guidance and the mentorship have to expand in all aspects to help the student take good decisions. Now it is important for teachers to guide students' actions not just in society but in cyberspace too. The Internet can definitely serve as an ocean of information, but without a teacher, no one knows how to swim across. Therefore one should appreciate the valuable presence of teachers in our lives and wish all your mentors a happy teachers day!