These Traffic rules should have to be follow while driving.

On Indian roads, the pollution has been increasing day by day which creates the risk of accidents, crashes, and deaths. In a pandemic, we can certainly avoid the deaths caused by the accidents. These all happen because unfortunately, road traffic rules are not as strict as needed in India, that is why we have the highest rate of deaths due to road accidents. So here are five road safety rules that we should know about and must absolutely follow.
1. Seatbelts and Helmets are mandatory
In India, for a long time, it is compulsory to wear seatbelts in the front seats. Even there are so many cases in our country every day in which the occupant was not wearing a seatbelt at the time of the crash. However, there are also seatbelts at the back seats of the car but it's optional to wear that one. In the capital of India, if anyone found not wearing the seatbelt then there is a fine of up to rupees 1000. Similarly, On a two-wheeler, helmets are mandatory for both of the persons riding on the vehicle. However, implementation of the rule has not been commonly seen. Cities like Bengaluru implements the rules and regulations strictly.
2. Right of Way
Another important rule that is generally seen on Indian roads is the right of way at an intersection. There are some locations which are not being regulated by a signal or a traffic official, it is important that we should have to be extra calculative at that time to avoid accidents. As a rule, if the road entered at an intersection is the main road, always give way to the vehicles proceeding along the road. In other cases, give way to all traffic approaching the intersection on the right hand. Also remember, pedestrians have the right of way at uncontrolled pedestrian crossings. In simpler terms, all the time, it is the responsibility of the driver to avoid the pedestrian on the road.
3. Speed Thrills...
Unfortunately, the violent reaction by a driver towards another user road rage is a big problem nowadays. Don't know why people are not able to understand that Public roads aren't racing tracks and not the place where you choose to test the abilities of your vehicle but these are clearly designed for the use of the general public. Under the Motor Vehicle Act, As a fine, violators will be charged up to rupees 5,000 for racing and speed-testing and could also be imprisoned for up to one year. A second offense will attract a fine of rupees 10,000 and/or imprisonment of up to six months. Similarly, overspeeding is punishable up to rupees 2,000, while rash driving can attract a fine between rupees 1,000-5,000 on light motor vehicles.
4. Look for Stop Lines
Traffic cameras are most common in cities and developed parts of the country, it's important that you vary of stopping behind the Stop Lines. The stop lines are double white stripes at the traffic signal. If we stop after the line, the fine is up to rupees 100 under the 113(1)/177 section of the motor vehicle rules. Multiple fines have accumulated online. In case of non-payment, the traffic officials can confiscate the vehicle till the fine has been paid. So, the next time you arrive at a signal, make sure you check and stop 'behind' the white line.
5. Either Drink or Drive
We can't stress enough but driving under influence is a strict no. This isn't just about your life but also of the pedestrians on the road. If the time has taught us anything, even the footpaths aren't safe if the steering wheel is in the hands of a drunk driver. So, don't be that person. Under section 185-202, the permissible limit of alcohol allowed is 30 mg per 100 ml. Anything beyond this figure can get you arrested without the need for a warrant. You will be fined up to rupees 10,000 and/or imprisoned for up to six months, while the punishment will increase to rupees 15,000 or two years of imprisonment in case of the second offense. To put it simply, it's not worth the effort and best to hire a cab or ask someone else to drive.