Best Air-Purifying Indoor Plants for Your Home


Our homes are often filled with furniture, building materials, and cleaning products emitting toxins that can be hazardous to health.

The good news is that there’s an easy and affordable way to reduce some of these indoor air pollutants plants! Here are eight houseplants that can help purify indoor air in your home.

No green thumb? No problem! These plants are easy to maintain. Even the most agriculturally challenged homeowners can reap the benefits of healthy indoor air quality.

Spider plant,Bamboo Palm, Snake plant,Aloe

Spider Plant:-

You couldn’t kill a spider plant if you tried!* This resilient plant is not only very easy to grow, but it also filters out carbon monoxide and other toxins found in leather, rubber, and printing supplies. Spider plants grow best in cool-to-average temperatures and prefer dry soil and bright, indirect sunlight.

Want to have a whole spider plant family? Simply cut off one of the “spiders,” replant it, and it’ll continue to grow even after being removed from the mother plant.

Filters Out: Formaldehyde, Xylene


This sun-loving succulent needs only dry soil and minimal watering to survive, making it the perfect plant to place in your sunny bathroom window. Aloe primarily purifies indoor air of toxins found in cleaning supplies and paints.

Additionally, the gel inside leaves can be used to treat sunburns, burns, and cuts. Simply cut one of the leaves open lengthwise, scoop out the gel with a spoon, and apply to the skin.

Filters Out: Formaldehyde, Benzene


Peace Lily

Enjoy peace of mind that you’re breathing in healthy air with a peace lily! This low-maintenance plant topped NASA’s list for removing three of the most common volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

Peace lilies require very little light or water to survive – all they need is a nice, shady spot and a weekly watering.

Filters Out: Trichloroethylene, Formaldehyde, Benzene, Xylene, Ammonia


Gerbera Daisy

This cheerful little bloom will add life and color to any room in your home – not to mention it’s good for filtering out toxins found in dry cleaning chemicals and inks.

For ideal blooming, place gerbera daisies in a prominent spot with lots of sunlight and plant them in a pot with drainage holes.

Filters Out: Trichloroethylene, Benzene


Snake Plant

The snake plant thrives in humid conditions and requires little light. It’s a superstar at filtering out toxins found in cleaning products, toilet paper, tissues, and personal care products – talk about the perfect plant for the bathroom!

Snake plants also absorb carbon dioxide and release a significant amount of oxygen. Place one of these in your bedroom to help you wake up feeling rejuvenated and refreshed.

Filters Out: Trichloroethylene, Formaldehyde, Benzene, Xylene


Boston Fern

The Boston fern has been a popular houseplant since the Victorian era. In addition to its feather-like leaves and curvy fronds, the Boston fern is arguably one of the most effective plants at removing toxins found in glue, wood products, and furniture.

The Boston fern thrives best in humid conditions and prefers bright, filtered light.

Filters Out: Formaldehyde, Xylene


Golden Pothos

Golden pothos is a green and flexible plant that works wonders at removing toxic air pollutants in your home and garage.

It requires minimal sunlight and after a few months its branches will begin to cascade from the basket, making it look like you’ve given it lots of TLC – even if you’ve hardly given it the time of day.

Safety Tip: Golden pothos plants are poisonous and should be kept away from small children and pets.

Filters Out: Formaldehyde, Carbon Monoxide, Benzene

Bamboo Palm

Why not bring the outdoors in? Also known as the reed palm, this small palm is great for purifying toxins and gases released from furniture … not to mention it looks great sitting next to your couch.

The bamboo palm flourishes in cool, humid climates and prefers bright, indirect sunlight.

Filters Out: Formaldehyde, Xylene

No matter your decorating style or budget, you can find houseplants that are a good fit for your home, look great, and most importantly, purify the air within.