How to maintain cholesterol effectively?

High Cholestrol levels can usually lead to heart diseases. Improper lifestyle can be one of the largest reason for the cholesterol imbalance in your body. Let's check out the hacks for maintaining proper levels of cholestreol!
Daily diet plays the most vital role in the maintainance of the proper cholesterol levels in your body. Check out the essential foods to be included in your diet!

Imbalance of cholestrol levels in your body may be due to many reasons, varying from unhealthy lifestyle to to improper intake of food. Here are some of the home - remedies that will help you maintain proper cholesterol levels - 

1. Coriander Seeds -

One of the most essential constituent in Ayurveda is the coriander seeds. One of the major health benefits of coriander seeds intake is that it helps to maintain the cholesterol levels, since it is rich in Vitamin C, folic acid and Vitamin A.

2. Amla - 

Amla is found to be one of the richest sources of Vitamin C. It has also been videly used in Ayurveda as rasayan for the treatment of various ailments. Consumption of one or two amla daily not only helps to maintain the cholesterol levels but also helps to provide protection against atherosclerosis.

3. Garlic -

Garlic is full of various health - enhancing elements like minerals, amino acids, organo - sulfur compounds and vitamins. It is used from the ancient times in the Indian delicacies for its beneficial properties. Consumtion of 1/2 to1 clove of garlic everyday can reduce the cholesterol levels upto 9%. 

4. Fenugreek Seeds -

Fenugreek seeds, commonly knonw as methi seeds are used from ages, to flavour the savouries. Along with flavouring, it has hidden health benefits as well. They tend to possess anti - inflamatory and antioxidants properties, which help in controlling the choolesterol levels.

5. Green Tea -

Apart from the weight loss, green teas has excellent benefits in controlling and lowering the cholesterol levels as well. It is a rich soure of polyphenols, which does miracles to the human body.