The pictures of the exhausted Domino's workers go viral, the reaction on internet is heart - warming!

At Texas, where the Country is hit by the strong winter storms, the workers at Domino's continue feeding people, although being exhausted and tired themselves. 
At Texas, the lives of the peopl are strongly impacted due to the heavy winter storms. The best alternative for them is ordering food from outside. But, the workers feeding people continously for the past four hours are tired as well. Have a glimpse at the heartfelt internet sensations!

Whenever hit by any calamity, ordering food from outside is always their go - to saviours. Getting cozy inside the warm blankets and calling up the respective food - outlet owner is all what we do. But, have we ever thought about the conditions of the people working at the food outlets? Delivering food order by order, quicker than the rest of the days in an inconvinient ambience is all what they go through! Yet, recieving our order late even by a few seconds we rebuke them. Till date, we might not have had an insight about the plight of the workers, but now we do.

Texas is strongly hit by the winter storms. Domino's, a very reputed Pizza Outlet has been recieving innumerable phone calls from the customers for placing their orders. A picture was captured at the San Antonio, Texas outlet of Domino's which has become the internet sensations. Two workers seem to be very tired, battling the storms and working without any breaks for the orders recieved by them.

The people stuck inside their houses are ordering food from outside, where people can barely even function due to the bad weather conditions. Many eminent personalities such as Emily Baucum,has tweeted, "This Dominos in San Antonio. Working during this crisis. They had a weekend worth of food and it was gone within 4 hours. This team helped those that needed help. These are the essential workers that need recognition. They were the only pizza place open. Every pizza place was closed but Dominos stayed open to help those in need." The post has recieved 12k likes, 3.7k retweets and more than 600 comments so far.