Sometimes, it can be difficult to peg down the good characteristics of a best friend. Friendship isn't always easy and sometimes the best thing one friend can do for another is an unpopular decision. Other times, a good friend seems to be anyone who is fun. While friendship might not be simple, there are a few traits of a good friend that every teen should keep in mind.


Good Listener

You need someone to listen to you when you are having a bad day or you were reprimanded. Good friends are always ready to lend an ear. They sympathize with the injustices of the world and celebrate your triumphs.


An ability to accept your differences and how you might differ from someone is pivotal to friendship. Good friends don't judge you, but help you to overcome mistakes. If you make a bad decision or get a bad grade, they don't allow you to dwell on your shortcomings but push you to be better.


Support is essential to good relationships. You need friends that will support you in your positive endeavors and help you get through pitfalls. For example, if your parents divorce, a good friend will help you to work through your emotions and hurt.


It is great to have a friend that can help you to see the humor in every situation. Someone who is ready to make you laugh and have an impromptu food fight could be just what you need in a time of crisis. This can help you from taking life too seriously.


Forgiveness is essential. Not only do you need to forgive, but you need friends that can forgive as well. Everyone makes mistakes but being able to move past them and not hold a grudge is a sign of a great friend.


Friends help each other. Whether you are helping with the dishes or working together on a school project, good friends are willing to pull an all-nighter. They will donate their time and effort because it is important to you. They might help you with homework to improve your grade or maybe even build a float.

How Friendship Can Be Difficult

In high school, friends matter a lot. It seems like the best friends are the ones who are always interested in having a good time. However, that's not all that friendship is about. Sometimes a friend has to make difficult choices, such as taking the car keys from a friend who has been drinking and plans on driving. It can also be difficult to be someone's friend when he or she is going through a hard time (such as a death in the family) and a good friend doesn't know exactly what he or she should do.

Friendships can also go through rough patches. Fights, falling outs, and jealousy can all make a seemingly great friendship seem like it is over. Boys or girls can complicate the picture even more at times. For example, a friendship can be strained when one friend gets a boyfriend and starts spending all of her time with him, rather than with friends.